
Showing posts from 2016

Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Integration with Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS)

Recently, I was involved in integrating Pivotal Cloud Foundry with Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS), an object storage solution from EMC. In this post, I'm going to document the hiccups we faced during this integration and how did we resolve this, so that it is easier for other folks who would like to carry out this integration. References: We followed the blog post, and the service broker code from git hub, .  1. application.yml file Configuration: First task would be to update the application.yml file in the broker code to have the correct configuration. Note the spring profiles created in yml file. The active spring profile is defined in the build.gradle file to be 'development'. So based on that, we need to update the correct section in the yml file. Under the broker section: a) Provide a valid ECS namespace name (The namespa...

Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part III

Preview: This is the third post in the series of Microservices based application development. The entire series could be found here: Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part I Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part II Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part III Overview: Continuing from previous posts, in this post, I'm going to write about a few challenges which I faced while implementing the Microservices and how did I address them. This might hopefully help other folks who might run into similar issues. Challenges faced while implementing Microservices: Issue 1: While using Zuul API, I was getting the following exception, when the angular JS application, invoked the Zuul service. Forwarding error at at

Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part II

Preview: This is the second post in the series of Microservices based application development. The entire series could be found here: Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part I Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part II Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part III Overview: Continuing from my previos post, I'm going to explain in detail, three concepts which are essential ingredients of a Microservices Architecture. Service Discovery API Gateway Circuit Breaker Service Discovery: In a Microservices environment, we will have multiple services and when the same is deployed in a Cloud Environment, we will  have multiple instances of each service. In such a scenario, we need services to be self discover-able. This will help in two ways.  First, when one service invokes another service, it needs to know the actual location where it is hosted and which instance it should point to. Second, in a ...

Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part I

Preview: In this post, I'm going to write about an application based on Microservices Architecture, which I presented in the Cloud Foundry Meetup.  The entire series link could be found here: Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part I Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part II Microservices based Cloud Native Application - Part III Application Use Case: The application is a miniature LinkedIn kind of application, which was built to demonstrate the key aspects of a Cloud Native application. Application Features: The app allows users to build their profile with experience details, their skills, certifications.  The app allows the users to connect with other users and they can endorse skills and also recommend other users. Application Architecture: The application uses Microservices Architecture, which consists of loosely coupled, independently evolvable/deployable services. It uses polyglot persistence....

Cloud Foundry Meetup - Developing Cloud Native Apps

Developing Cloud Native Apps This post provides a brief about what to expect from the Cloud Foundry meetup session, ' Developing Cloud Native Apps on Cloud foundry'  which is scheduled on June 7th, Bangalore.  Presenters: Rajagopalan Sundararajan, Senior Solutions Architect, EMC Raghuveer Bhandarkar, Solutions Architect, EMC Preview: With the rapid adoption of Cloud computing by organizations, it has become increasingly imperative to make our application architecture, cloud enabled. This talk which is a part of the Cloud Foundry Meetup, covers Cloud native Software applications, its characteristics, challenges, supported by a demonstration through an app. Abstract: Cloud native Software and applications is a buzz word today and enterprises are trying to understand this concept and apply in building software systems which are “Cloud Native”. This talk captures the experiences of developing such cloud native systems for EMC's customers....

#GIDS16..The Great Indian Developer Summit, Bengaluru

#GIDS16 The Great Indian Developer Summit 2016, is currently under way in Bangalore, India. In this article, I'm briefly touching upon various topics discussed and my first hand experience of the event. There were talks on what are the current industry trends what are the emerging technologies. It is no more sufficient to have the knowledge of one Stack/knowledge, but need to have knowledge of operations (read Devops), Cloud and working with huge data sets (read Big Data). On a lighter note, the classical "Blue Pill or Green Pill" dilemna from 'The Matrix' made its appearance in a couple of presentations. A few talks are detailed out below: 1. Microservice, Microservice, Microservice: There were various talks on Microservice, ranging from how to go about building Microservice, to, why do we need Microservice. One of the interesting talk, went about explaining that Microservice is not a silver bullet, which should be applied to every project, but ...

Using Maven Dependency Tree in troubleshooting

In this blog post, I'm going to explain how to check the  maven dependency tree and how it is useful in troubleshooting certain run time exception which we might encounter while running Spring applications. Maven Dependency  resolution: When you use maven, it uses its own dependency resolution mechanism to decide which jar to use when there is a conflict. Lets say you are using two dependencies, each of which have the same jar. Now, unless you pay attention, maven might end up using the incorrect jar version, and you will start getting exceptions like 'ClassNotFound' or 'NoSuchMethodError'. So, it helps to know which version of jar has maven resolved and is added to our application. This is where the Maven dependency tree helps us. Maven Dependency Tree: A simple command, "mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose " will print out the entire maven dependency tree. I will show with an example how to analyze this tree. Since is based on a issue I re...